About the NVWOA

Who we are and what we do

Welcome at the website of the NVWOA, the Nederlandse Vereniging tot Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de Astrologie (Dutch Association for Reasearch of Astrology).

Many scientists consider astrology to be nonsensical, while many astrologers think their field does not need to be investigated: it works, doesn’t it? The NVWOA positions itself between these two extremes. Members are mostly people who have studied astrology and are interested in research. There is a lot of knowledge of astrology in the association as well as knowledge about and experience with appropriate research methods. A number of our members also conduct research themselves.

The NVWOA does not take a principal position on whether or not astrology is ‘true’.

To become a member or to attend the meetings you do not have to be a scientist or do active research into astrology yourself. In the meetings, members or external speakers give presentations and we discuss topics with which members are working.

Questions that the NVWOA is concerned with include: How do you investigate astrological assumptions? How did they arise historically? When can you use statistics and when are other methods more suitable? What does it mean for astrology theory and research that it is symbol-based?

On this website you will find information about the activities of the association and also publications in the form of newsletters and articles. The articles on this website are the responsibility of the authors and do not represent opinions of the editors of the website or of the NVWOA as an association.


You can reach the board of the NVWOA via bestuur at-sign nvwoa.nl. If you have questions about the website, use the address redactie at-sign nvwoa.nl

Bank account

Our bank account is IBAN NL31INGB0004312858


There are Open House meetings every month, in principle on the first Saturday of the month, with the exception of the holiday period. There are lectures on a variety of topics related to astrology research. In addition, there are also open discussions. See the agenda for more information.


You can register as a member of the NVWOA via the email address bestuur at-sign nvwoa.nl.

The costs for membership are € 40 per year.